Monday 17 October 2011

drifting hearts [ooc]

drifting hearts.

For as long as Holden Macmillan could remember, she?d been coming down from the sky to meet him. He could never predict when. He could never really explain why. All that he knew was that the breeze brought her home once every season and for two weeks she would stay before setting sail into the cloudy skies once more.
It had been going on since he was just a boy. Holden remembered vaguely summer days and ice lollies, her long dark hair and the lonely nights he?d spent gazing out of his window, wishing she didn?t have to go. It was never really explained to him the kind of life that she led. His mother hated her. Always had done, and his father?s attitude wasn?t much better. Those travellers, they?d spit, after the children had disappeared to bed for the night. Those good for nothing, dirty travellers.
Holden himself though, couldn?t understand what was so bad about a life amongst the softness of the clouds, spending your days nose-diving with the sea gulls. He?d always been somewhat entranced by it, entranced by her. The older she became, the more her beauty grew until he could hardly wait for the next time she touched ground. His life had always been on hold, watching and waiting. His innocence and her knowledge made for a chemical concoction that he just couldn?t rid from his mind. And was it the same for her? He never really knew. But this time he would find out. Even if it killed him.

Welcome to Summerfield. Population, 159.

To an outsider, the small village located in the deep recesses of Northern England wouldn?t look much less than just that. A small village. And to the majority of villagers, aside from it being their home, it can also be seen as just that. A small village. But to one family, the Macmillans to be precise, Summerfield is so much more than that. It?s the place that plays host to their farm, their crops, their livelihood. It?s the place that allows them to live, and to prosper. And for Holden Macmillan and his sister it?s the place that brought them, Them. Them being the travellers that are renowned throughout the village for their freedom, their supposed carefree lifestyle.

At present the travelling duo consists of non-identical twins, Jennifer and Johnny Colehaul. They travel the country together in a hot-air balloon, scouring the small villages for places to stay. It?s a strange life really, one that many frown upon, and their reasoning for continuing with it remains to be hidden. For their underlying story is nothing to be desired; a violent history of abuse, both emotional and physical that distorts what could have once been a happy background. Both refuse to acknowledge what happened between even each other, so why in the world would they tell complete strangers? Needless to say that this has raised more than a few questions, and keeps the two continuously shrouded in a darkened mystery. Hence enhancing their appeal.

But where, might you ask, do the Macmillan?s come in?

The two families first met when The Colehaul?s crash landed in one of the farmer?s nearby corn fields. The twins were only thirteen at the time and concerned for their welfare, the Macmillan?s were kind enough to let them stay. Admittedly, the two resisted at first but with Jenny cradling a sprained wrist and Johnny with bruised ribs, they didn?t have much of a choice in the end, to stop and live some kind of ordinary life until they themselves were repaired and so was their balloon.
At first, Jenny and Mrs Macmillan hit it off like a house on fire. She was the daughter that her real daughter, Paula never had been. They became close for a time, causing bitter relations between the real Macmillan girl and Jenny herself. But who the female twin really hit it off with was the Macmillan?s eldest son. The two became inseparable, much to Johnny?s disgust. He couldn?t allow his sister to become too attached, he wouldn?t. Not if it meant that she?d ever want to stay. Yet he himself was also developing feelings, for nobody less than Paula; but he refused to acknowledge them, eventually dragging his sister away as soon as he were able. It was ultimately from here that the Macmillan-Colehaul bond disintegrated, when Mrs Macmillan begged the two not to go. She?d grown attached to the large family, the sound of laughter running through the house so when they went against her wishes, she became bitter. She and her husband never really forgave the Colehaul children for leaving and so only allow them to visit once every season, after an unbearable amount of pestering from young Holden. But they do not arrive without stirring up a whirlpool of hostility that often leads a bad taste in their wake.

Now, its summer time, however and the Macmillan?s are due another visit. But with teenage hormones running high with the hot seasonal sunshine, will the Colehaul?s leave when their two weeks are up, or will this be the time that they choose to stay? Will Jenny be able to fight against the desires of her brother, his desires to continue with life in the skies? And will Johnny be able to get over his feelings for Paula to continue with the way that he and his sister have always lived? Because after all, it?s for the better. Isn?t it?

Jenny Colehaul
Johnny Colehaul
Holden Macmillan
Paula Macmillan
Mr & Mrs Macmillan

Other roles are available - feel free to put forward your ideas!

All names are subject to change.

? Please, call me Becca. :)
? Literacy and proper grammar is expected, as is creativity.
? I?m not reserving spots, so you can try out for whatever character you'd like. I?ll pick who I think best suits the roll when everyone?s finished.
? Make sure to follow the character skeleton provided, please and thank you.
? And please make sure you're able to commit yourself to posting regularly if you're going to join.

Code: Select all

[size=200][b]full name here C:[/size][/b]


[b]Nickname/s[/b] if applicable.

[b]Personality[/b] listed words only please. I?d like most of this to come out in your writing.

[b]Background[/b] just list five events in your characters life that have been significant; i know how much of a chore writing full backgrounds can be but I?d still like some detail, please and thanks!



quarry fred shuttlesworth rule 34 steve jobs bill gates frances bean cobain bill gates michael lewis

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