Wednesday 16 January 2013

50 Muscle Building, Fitness and Diet Myths | Gain Muscle Fast

1)?You have to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours or you won?t gain any muscle or lose any fat.

2)?Training splits are the only way to build muscle; full body workouts will do you no good.

3)?Your body can?t absorb more than 30 grams of protein per sitting. The rest will not get absorbed.

Dumbbell Curls

4)?Eating fat will make you fat.

5)?If you don?t eat directly after your workout then you will miss the golden window of opportunity and won?t gain any muscle.

6)?Women who lift weights will gain massive amounts of muscle and look like a man.

7)?Doing endless ab exercises will get you six pack abs.

8)?Increasing the volume and frequency (sets and reps) to your workout will make you gain muscle faster.

9)?You have to do cardio everyday to lose weight, sometimes twice a day.

10)?Box squats are better for your knees then parallel squats.

11)?You must have superior genetics to gain a lot of muscle or lose a lot of fat.

12)?You must hit a muscle group from every single angle or you won?t gain size or strength.

13)?If you don?t change your workout routine on a continuous basis, then you won?t gain any muscle.

14)?You can build a huge amount of muscle mass without increasing your strength one bit.

15)?To build huge arms you have to workout your arms separately with a bunch of isolation movements, sometimes up to 12-24 sets for your biceps and triceps.

16)?You can workout a particular muscle group and the fat will magically disappear.

17)?Regular athletes don?t need any additional protein in their diets, only bodybuilders who want to gain muscle.

18)?People who hit the gym hard on a continuous basis do not need any extra protein, only bodybuilders who want to build muscle do.

19)?You can?t build impressive legs without doing squats.

20)?You can?t build a muscular back without deadlifts.

21)?You can?t build muscular chest without utilizing the bench press.

22)?A natural bodybuilder can get as big as somebody on steroids, all they need to do is workout as hard as them.

23)?High protein diets will cause kidney damage and are terrible for your health.

24)?Creatine will cause kidney damage and is not good for you.

25)?Creatine can be classified as a steroid.

26)?Any type of protein is fine when trying to pack on lean muscle mass.

27)?The only rep range that builds muscle is 8-12 reps.

28)?The only rep range that builds strength is 1-5 reps.

Sit Ups

29)?There is a magic ratio for muscle building when it comes to dividing up your carbs, proteins and fats.

30)?Eating a calorie surplus will always cause a huge amount of weight gain.

31)?Bodybuilders cannot be strong.

32)?Powerlifters typically don?t have big muscles.

33)?Almost all powerlifters are fat.

34)?You have to be fat in order to be strong.

35)?There is a perfect muscle building routine out there that will work for everyone.

36)?5?5 programs can only build strength, not size.

37)?Eating fat & cholesterol will give you high cholesterol and is bad for you.

38)?Eating high amounts of saturated fat will clog your arteries and give you heart disease.

39)?Every trainer can help you build muscle or lose fat.

40)?Scientific research always results in real life scenarios, which can be used to help you achieve your fitness goal.

41)?Supplements are a waste and will do you no good.

42)?All supplement companies care about is money.

43)?All supplement companies do is lie to you in order to get you to buy their product.

44)?There is only one way to train for muscle growth.

Sled Drag

45)?Joe Weider?s is 100% right, 100% of the time.

46)?Proper squatting techniques can be completely mastered in less than a few weeks.

47)?Proper deadlifting techniques can be completely mastered in less than a few weeks.

48)?Proper bench pressing techniques can be completely mastered in less than a few weeks.

49)?You can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you?ve been lifting for several years.

50)?Supplementing with BCAAs is completely useless.


For myths 51-100 go here.

For myths 101-150 go here.


from your own site.


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