Tuesday 4 December 2012

Video: What factors could derail Clinton in 2016?

>>> welcome back. there is new speculation that hillary clinton will run for president in 2016 . fueling the newest speculation you might ask? here appearance at the annual conference on middle east policy that took place in washington friday night. more than 10 minute video tribute. secretary clinton was praised by political rivals from senator onmccain and the president and by other world leaders .

>> someone who knows a thing or two about political comebacks, i don't think we've heard the last of hillary clinton . girl you're amazing just the way you are

>> i just have an instinct that the best is yet to come.

>> i prepared some remarks for tonight, but then i thought maybe we could just watch that video a few more times. and then the next time i could count the hairstyles, which is one of my favorite past times.

>> joining me now is ken vogel. you heard bibi netanyahu say he has an instinct the best is yet to come. what would be better perhaps some say than seeing hillary clinton run for president?

>> indeed. that's what a lot of her supporters want. they are actually laying the groundwork without her permission. we hear her saying --

>> who is they? who is they?

>> for instance, we reported late last week that some of her aides have signaled after she steps down as secretary of state that she will come out in favor of gay marriage . this is a sticking point. it's something that would help her with a very constituency group in the democratic party and particularly on the money side, which is why we see other supporters lag the groundwork by he reaching out to big donors who will play an role in the 2016 democratic primary where we will see super-pacs weigh in saying don't make a commitment to any prospective candidates until hillary decides what she's going to do.

>> it's interesting in the tribute, the president was featured where he referred to much has been written regarding his relationship with secretary clinton , but they are great friends. it would be incredible to see, of course, his support in 2016 for her.

>> yeah, well, it would be interesting, though. if vice president biden runs, which has been speculated about, there will be a real conundrum, and i think there's a conundrum for the democratic establishment if secretary clinton goes there. a lot of people feel that she would really be able to get the support of the big democratic donors and traditional parts of democratic party but not be able to bring along new parts of obama coalition, hence the gay marriage sticking point. 2016 is definitely wide open . hillary clinton was referred to me recently by an operative on the democratic side, very involved in the early jockeying says she's the 800- pound gorilla . if she goes the field is not necessarily hers for the taking, but she would have a significant advantage coming into the race.

>> when the former president is asked if his wife will run, he always says he has no idea. is there any indication behind the scenes that she's either annoyed, flattered or feels pressure as so many people -- the election wasn't even over, and everyone had their list of republicans running. of course, her name has always been there for democrats.

>> i think she can't help but feel some pressure, tamron. she's been held up as the next great thing in the democratic party . that said, i think she genuinely is flattered by it. you heard in her response to the video that she's willing to sort of accept the accolades and the praise in stride and also maintain this self-depricating sense of humor about it.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/newsnation/50060551/

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