Wednesday 27 February 2013

Acidophilus and What Can It Be Used to Treat? | Gnet Health and ...

Everyone is aware of acid in the body and how we need it to help our bodies function on a day to day basis. We are also very aware of how bacteria can affect our lives, but of course we may not be experts on the type of bacteria we carry around with us. This feature will look at one particular form of bacteria and how it can be used to treat a number of ailments and its relationship to our bodies.

More about This Bacteria

Its full name is Lactobacillus acidophilus and we have this bacteria naturally in our body. It can be found predominantly in both the intestine and the vagina. This is where the link with acid comes in as it helps to keep an acidic environment internally and protect us from the growth of harmful bacteria. It is in fact, what we call a, ?pro-biotic?.

Where Else Can It Be Found?

Acidophilus naturally occurs in some foods including dairy products, and can be added along with other probiotics in other foods and supplements

What Can It Be Used to Treat?

Acidophilus is very good at protecting women from vaginal yeast infections. The best way to take on an infection is to hit them where they live by inserting the live, beneficial bacteria directly into the vagina. It can also help in yeast infections of the mouth. It brings fast relief from diarrhea caused through the ingestion of antibiotics. Urinary tract infections are another ailment we can treat with this protective bacteria along with parasites. More importantly it can strengthen the whole immune system!

Some experts say this friendly bacteria can help with depression and mood disorders.

You can take Acidophilus as a dietary supplement in capsule form

When you don?t have enough intestinal bacteria, harmful bacteria can take over and cause yeast infections, as well as intestinal problems. The most common way to take acidophilus is through tablets, or yogurt, which contains the live culture. If you have a problem taking the tablets, they can be added to yogurt that does not already contain them. Putting acidophilus to yogurt already containing it can cause a stomach upset.


How Does It Work?

Medical experts believe the bacteria works by helping the body to maintain a regular amount of bacteria within the stomach, vagina and intestines. When we have the right amounts then we can rest assured harmful bacteria can be taken care of. When it breaks down, it releases things like hydrogen peroxide creating a poisonous presence to unhealthy creatures in the body. It also plays a huge role in digestion, helping to produce a number of chemicals during the process.

Vitamin K and Lactase are produced by Acidophilus

According to S.K. Dash, author of ?The Consumer?s Guide to Probiotics,? taking probiotic supplements on an empty stomach can be a good thing. However; he also says some bacteria will pass into the intestines even if you take the supplement with food. You would take acidophilus on an empty stomach to prevent the bacteria from being killed by your stomach acid, which has a very high pH.

When you eat, your stomach will expand greatly to find space for the food. This fires off stretch receptors to stimulate production of stomach acid. This is why stomach acid levels are higher after you eat a meal. Taking acidophilus on an empty stomach allows the bacteria to pass through your digestive tract when stomach acid levels are lower.

But remember Lactobacillus acidophilus has not been approved by the FDA so it should not be substituted for prescription medications. It?s always best to talk to your doctor before taking any form of supplement, as like anything else some individuals could possibly suffer from side effects. If already on any form of medication the supplement could also prevent this from working in the way it should. Always be aware of this.

What about Dosage?

According to the professionals at the University of Maryland Medical Centre, a typical dose for treating diarrhea or vaginal infections is 1 to 2 billion colony-forming units each day. People attempting to keep their intestines in tip top shape take 1 to 15 billion colony-forming units every day. Your health store will give you the right advice as in many cases taking one capsule supplement each day can suffice. Again also make sure you talk to your health professional before taking in more of the bacteria.

So people are becoming more aware of what we call friendly bacteria and the great job they can do. These clever microorganisms are vital to the safe functioning of our bodies and are produced naturally. But of course we should be clear in taking supplements are bodies do actually need them. We also know this wonderful bacteria can help cure many ailments. So remember the name as a close friend?

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